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I listen to this almost every evening before I go to bed and it does relax me. I feel the relaxation and stress reduction as I am listening to it
I would give this ten stars if I could! This app is fantastic, and truly relaxes your whole body. It also helps me to get deep sleep. This is a app I will be listening to all the time. Finally a app that is perfect!
I have always had a real problem with having negative thoughts constantly. But since I started listening to Bob's app, I notice that I don't immediately have a negative thought about everything. I actually can wake up in the morning and think something positive. I actually can envision a positive outcome more often.
I really recommend this app, I think most if not all of US need a positive thinking and outlook in life especially at times like these.!!!!!!!
For over 40 years Bob has been helping people learn to use the power of their own minds to change their lives
Bob Griswold
Founder of The WiseGuide App